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This post was written in partnership with PictureKeeper. All opinions are my own.
We all love our smartphone. As a blogger, it is my main business tool. My phone gets full real quick. I have to manage photos from my blog plus my family pictures. It can get a bit overwhelming.
I had a really awesome app last year that would back up my pictures and delete the dupes on my phone. It was really cool. The app, unfortunately, shut down. Since then I have been researching ways to better manage all my pictures and save time because my time is very limited! I am at the point in my life where convenience is key.
P.S make sure you read all the way to the end there is a special surprise for My Crafty Life readers….
I have three ways that I keep track and manage photos that I am going to share with you plus the pros and cons of each option. If it works with my over 10GBs of pictures I had, it will definitely work for you!
Three Simple Ways To Manage Photos On Your SmartPhone
1. Digital Photo Organizers. There are multiple services out there (I use Lightroom) that you can purchase for your computer that will completely organize your pictures. These products will manage photos automatically, all you need to do is toggle a few settings and you are good to go. The only downside to these is you have to physically download them to the computer and since I don’t always have my computer, nor do most people, I have two more options for you.

2. Use Cloud Services. A lot of cloud services have popped up. If you are going to use this option make sure you do a little research because not all are the same. I actually use a few different ones. My iPhone even has it’s own that it backs up my pics too. These too have downsides. I am a super nervous person and I get worried that my pictures are going to go poof! It’s a great option as a secondary backup, I do use them but my third option, after much research, proves to be the best.
3. Mobile Backup Device. After countless research and a few duds I bought, I stumbled on Picture Keeper Connect. This little device solves all the problems I listed above. You can organize your pictures on your computer, backup all your pictures, videos, and contacts plus it has a fantastic app that lives right on your phone. The added bonus that I didn’t even know it had was that it skips duplicate pictures and you can instruct it to delete the pictures it has downloaded from your phone to free up space on your phone instantly.
As a blogger that is huge. When I am at an event there is nothing worse that the dreaded “storage full” alert when you have to take photos quickly. There’s really no time to sit there and delete photos. You miss the action. You’ll miss that great shot.
The same applies in my family life too. My kids move so fast and I don’t want to miss that cartwheel or flip my ten-year-old is performing for me. She grows up too fast, I love having those memories.
If you are looking for the simplest, best way to back up all your photos, I highly suggest Picture Keeper Connect. I was honestly blown away how easy it was to use and how quickly it worked.
All you have to do is plug in the Picture Keeper Connect to your phone, open the app, choose which option you want to back up and hit the start button.
I like that it tells you what it’s doing at every step. I have had others where you had no idea what it was doing or if it was done and ended up ending the backup on accident. This makes this little device so unique to any external backup device I have ever used.
You can then choose to remove the photos or view them. Seriously it’s that easy. It’s such a time saver. If you are a blogger like me or a mom like me that takes multiple pictures a day, you need this device. I have no clue how I survived before without it!
It’s such a simple way to still have your photos on the go, it fits right in your pocket, bag or purse and it works amazingly.
Now for the surprise……….
Because I love my readers and the Picture Keeper people are totally awesome I have a special coupon code for you to get your own Picture Keeper!
Happy snapping!!!