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We home-school during the summer. Not everyday but I try to keep Liv’s brain working because she has what educators call “summer brain”. She backslides A LOT if she isn’t practicing her facts etc at least 4-5 times a week. This is not an easy task in the summer so I try and get inventive. I thought the OSMO system would be perfect for her after reading the description. She can use my mini iPad with it and have a blast.
OSMO Genius Gaming System

Right off the bat it was super easy to set up. All you really have to do is set up an account and download the apps. She was playing in the matter of 4-5 minutes. Each game comes in it’s own magnetized box. They all stick together to for a book stack like box. It’s perfect and compact. We got the regular OSMO gaming system which is all the games minus the Coding game. (You can get them all together in the larger Genius system) After playing for an hour the other day she asked me if we can save up and get the Coding game. It’s so cool to find a system/apps that engage their brain. If they are going to be on these devices at least they can do productive things right?
She really had to use her brain and problem solving skills with these games. You can start out with the easy ones, there is even a tutorial one that shows you what to do and how the game works.
I knew the drawing games would be her favorite and I was totally right. The Masterpiece app allows her to take a picture of ANYTHING and then trace/draw it. She was taking pictures of the cats, her foot….she had a blast. The Newton app makes her use her drawing skills and problem solving skills to solve the games. It’s fantastic.
We have reviewed a lot of tech toys, most haven’t made it on the blog because I couldn’t recommend them to y’all because they just didn’t cut it but OSMO is the best one we have reviewed so far. Liv actually asks to play it. It’s cool that it’s not gathering dust in the corner.
OSMO – Gaming System Specs:
● Osmo game system changes the way children interact with their iPad by opening it up to hands on play.
● Allows children a fun, exciting, and creative way to explore science, words, art, numbers and more
● Designed for anyone aged 6 and up, this educational toy can be enjoyed by nearly everyone in the family
● Games are specifically designed to foster creativity, problem solving, and social intelligence skills
● Set comes with 5 gamesWords, Masterpiece, Tangram, Newton and Numbers Games
● Compatible with Apple iPad 2, 3, 4, all versions of iPad Mini and iPad Air, iPad Pro(9.7)
● Set includes mirror + sturdy base + game pieces + 5 game apps in the Apple App Store (free download)
● Suggested for ages six and older, Simple setup
● US MSRP $99.99
OSMO Genius Kit Apps / Games
● Tangram- Arrange wooden puzzle pieces into matching onscreen shapes. Play with your child or challenge
yourself to more advanced levels with Osmo acting as your mentor by lighting up with each victory.
● Newton- Use your creativity with inventive objects such as a handdrawn basket, grandma’s glasses, dad’s
keys or anything around you to guide falling onscreen balls into targeted zones.
● Words- Be the first to guess and spell out the onscreen hidden word by tossing down real life letters faster than your friends. A related picture gives the clue.
● Masterpiece- Supercharge your drawing skills with Masterpiece. Pick any image from the camera, curated gallery or integrated web search and Masterpiece will transform it into easy to follow lines and help you draw it to perfection. You can then share a magical timelapse video of your creation with your friends and family.
● Numbers – With a counting, addition, concatenation and multiplication mode, there is a challenge for everybody. As kids get more confident in one mode, they can move on the the next one, allowing them to learn at their own pace.
Links to Videos
● Osmo Commercial-
● Osmo YouTube Channels-
OSMO Story
Started in 2013 by Pramod Sharma and Jerome Scholler, Tangible Play is a gaming company built around its proprietary Reflective Artificial Intelligence. It aims to create a new play ( physical / digital ) movement to unleash the boundaries of the screen with, Osmo. Pramod and Jerome, use not only their engineering and design experience to help build Osmo but the role as parent to young kids plays the biggest part in the creativity.
Do you want to have first-hand experience and influence how your child will learn, build, and grow? Do you want to make it a fun and educational experience that you can both enjoy? With these new Kids Tech products/gadgets and learning apps, keeping your kids engaged couldn’t be easier.
I am definitely thankful for this new system because it hasn’t been s struggle to get her to use it and she genuinely has fun when she is learning. That is the most important to me!
Purchase the OSMO – Gaming System at Best Buy: Osmo – Gaming System For Select Apple® Ipad® Models – Multi